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Thank you for your interest in selling Sidekick Socks. In order to maintain the goodwill of our brand, pricing, and our impeccable reputation, we require compliance with our online selling terms policy, as stated below.

Third Party Websites: All third-party marketplaces, such as Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, BN.com, etsy.com, Sears.com, or any similar online marketplace, are designated as restricted to unauthorized retailers.

We also do not allow wholesale accounts to purchase socks with the intent of selling them on eBay or other similar auction sites. If you are found to be selling socks on such sites, you will be asked to remove our products from your listings and will be at risk of no longer selling Sidekick Socks.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your business and we look forward to a successful partnership in the future.

I have read, understand, and agree to the above agreement.*
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